The Knights Templars of Albion Hold an Investiture in Northampton November 2021. Members of Pelicano including Grand Master Nino Aloi attend. The friendship between the two Orders creates a clear understanding of the goals both Orders wish to achieve

Grand Master Sir Nick Hall and Grand Master Sir Nino Aloi sign a treaty of Affiliation. This is the Beginning of the talks towards forming and International Association. Italy 2022

Pelicano host a conference in Malta Organised by Sir Paul Salomone to talk about forming an even closer bond and how this could involve other Orders. November 2022

Sir Nick Hall on behalf of The Knights Templars of Albion presents a speech at the conference outlining a proposal to form an International Association of Knights Templar Orders.

Pelicano host an Investiture the following day

Time to relax and socialise Malta November 2022 and Paris March 2023.