Association structure
This position will be held by a Grand Master from one of the Orders and is for a period of four years.
Deputy Chairman:
This position will also be held by one of the Member Orders Grand Masters, also for four years.
The secretary position is parmanent unless he decides to stand down. He will be responsible for all applications to join the Order and all administrative tasks including writing a annual report.
This position is also permanent and they will be elected based upon their accountancy skills as they will be responsible for managing all fees and other finances relating to the Association and also be the prime signatory on the Order Association Bank account. The treasurer will also be responsible for producing the annual Financial Report to be presented at the annual conference. The Chairman can request an update on finances at any time.
Media Officer:
The role will be to release all new press releases and put updates onto the Association web site. They will have excellent IT and a good awareness of the importance of Media and advertising the Association on relevant social media platforms. They will also be responsible for the Associations LinkedIn account and Facebook page.
Logistics Officer:
This role will be held by a person who has excellent organisational skills. They will be responsible for planning the annual conference booking the venue and hotel and informing all those who will be attending of costs and dates. They will also work closely with the Treasurer and Media Officer.